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miercuri, 6 martie 2013

Rochita lana impaslita cu floarea soarelui/ Felted dress with sunflower

Rochita realizata din lana merinos, fina si extrafina, fibre de bambus, de matase si bumbac. Ca baza , rochia are un material textil tricotat, moale si deosebit de confortabil. Este vaporoasa, potrivita anotimpurilor primavara-toamna.Dimensiunile rochitei sunt astfel: lungime cca. 92 cm, talie cca 73 cm si bust cca. 93 cm.
Se poate spala manual, la temperatura de 30-40grade, prin presare usoara, impreuna cu un detergent soft. Se ruleaza apoi intr-un prosop, se calca si se agata pe un umeras.

Dress made ​​of merino wool, fine and superfine fiber, bamboo, silk and cotton. As a basic knitting dress has a fabric soft and very comfortable.It is vapor and right spring and fall seasons .The dimensions of  the dress  are as follows: length approx. 92 cm, waist and bust about 73 cm approx. 93 cm.
Hand washable at a temperature of 30--40, slightly pressed together with a soft detergent. Then roll in a towel to iron and hang on a hanger.

Pret / Price: 280 lei/165 euros

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